Jacopo Jannone

I am a Computer Science Engineer specialized in cybersecurity. I hold a M.Sc. degree cum laude in Computer Science and Engineering from Politecnico di Milano (Italy) and I am member of the Order of Engineers of Milan. I currently work as a Senior Security Engineer at Secure Network. On my free time I develop open source projects, play CTF competitions with the Tower of Hanoi and mHACKeroni teams, and reverse engineer things that I find interesting (check out my blog for what I've done so far). I'm also a ham radio operator and my callsign is IU2NQL.

My blog: blog.jacopo.io/en

Interests and skills

  • Reverse engineering
  • Mobile app security
  • Web development
  • Web scraping
  • Python programming
  • Security of RFID technologies
  • Embedded systems and microcontrollers

E-mail contacts

Pick one of the links below if you wish to contact me by e-mail.

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